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lexoffice Integration

With lexoffice, users can create invoices, scan and archive receipts, track sales and expenses, and generate reports. Import your jobs, customer data and documents into the Meisterwerk app and handle your accounting automatically.

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sevdesk Integration

Import your orders, customer data and documents into the Meisterwerk app. Build on your existing system and create integrated processes.

More about sevdesk

bexio Integration

Import your jobs, customer data and documents into the Meisterwerk app. Build upon your existing system and create a unified processes.

orgaMAX Integration

Import your jobs, customer data and documents into the Meisterwerk app. Build upon your existing system and create a unified processes.
Icon APIs

Import historical data

Easily import customer and contact data with our CSV Import feature. Build upon your existing system or update historical data.
work hours export

Export work hours

Export work hours in CSV and XLS formats for payroll and accounting, anytime you need.
Icon New

Next integrations coming soon

We're looking to connect with more systems and applications. Got suggestions? We are all ears! Please contact our customer service with your request.

Explore Additional Features

Dispatching planning icon

Scheduling & dispatching

Good resource management means maintaining an overview and avoiding planning errors - especially when there is too much to do. Now you can organise your appointments and jobs easily.
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Icon mobile time recording

Mobile time tracking

Track hours right from your phone wherever you are with the flexibility to meet the needs of your company.
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Icon Digital Forms

Digital Forms

Inspection reports, installation certificates, control room reports. With digital forms in the Meisterwerk app, all information is clearly legible and stored directly with your other job information.
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Information exchange icon

Information exchange

With the Meisterwerk app, you have all your job information in one place right at your fingertips. Share all important items such as order slips, tasks, PDFs and contact persons with just one click.
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Workflows icon

Create workflows

Each trade and every business develops its own workflows over time. Thats why you have the option to adapt the Meisterwerk app to fit your processes and match how your business works.
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Icon APIs

Vacation and absences

Define vacation entitlements, assign employees, record absences. This is how you can achieve absence management that is fully integrated into shift planning in 3 steps.
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Get started with the Meisterwerk app from just € 69 / month!

Choose the price package that best suits your company's needs: Starter, Business or Professional.
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